Sunday, April 3, 2011

Bender does tricks for treats

When we give Bender a treat, we have the same routine. Sit, Down, Over. Sometimes he gets too excited and spins instead.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Bender Helps Make the Bed

Took this on my Birthday. Took me forever to make the bed. He's so helpful.

Friday, April 1, 2011


Laurie and Sadie over at Sadie the Rescued Corgi picked us as their winners. They sent us an amazing care package filled with some of Sadie's favorite things.

We got the package last Monday, but it was Spring Break and I never got around to posting.

Bender really liked the paper. In the end they both found a favorite. Thank you so much Laurie and Sadie! Sorry this took us so long to post!